MBE Safevalue

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Protect your valuables during transit with MBE SafeValue.

Online orders keep on increasing, which brings a high amount of parcels to be delivered worldwide at the same time. This means a higher risk of damaged or lost packages for fragile and valuable goods that, in the end, cause a negative impact in terms of costs and reputation for businesses.

MBE SafeValue is the complete solution for shipping your valuables with a professional packing, shipping and coverage service, which protects your products from collection to delivery. With MBE SafeValue you can count on a specific solution to ship and protect your valuables, being safe from any damage or loss.

Both MBE SafeValue and SafeValue Art are subject to restrictions and limitations.

The special conditions with omissis can be found at this link.

MBE. Votre partenaire.

Avec MBE SafeValue vous aurez :

  • Des solutions conçues pour préserver l'intégrité du produit
  • Couverture de la valeur réelle des marchandises et de leur expédition
  • Protection en cas de dommage ou de perte de l'envoi


MBE France - 37 bis, rue du Général Leclerc - 92130 Issy les Moulineaux - France - SARL au capital de 758 000 €, RCS Paris 539 736 397
At the moment there are no Service Centers in ##COUNTRY##.
If you are interested in opening a Center or acquiring the Licence please contact:



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